I’m a data science student fueled by an immense love for programming and a massive fascination by the way machines learn and become artificially intelligent. I’m striving for efficiency and excellence in everything I do, adapting to every situation, persisting and working to become better every day.
Master of Science, Data Science Sep 2022 – Sep 2024 (Expected)
National School of Computer Science (ENSI), Uni of Manouba, Tunisia |
Developer | Data Scientist 06/2020 – 07/2022 (2 years)
Upwork - international
Software engineering intern 06/2021 – 07/2021 (1 month)
NeonX startup - Tunisia
I’m a data science student fueled by an immense love for programming and a massive fascination by the way machines learn and become artificially intelligent. I’m striving for efficiency and excellence in everything I do, adapting to every situation, persisting and working to become better every day.
I’m a data science student fueled by an immense love for programming and a massive fascination by the way machines learn and become artificially intelligent. I’m striving for efficiency and excellence in everything I do, adapting to every situation, persisting and working to become better every day.
I’m a data science student fueled by an immense love for programming and a massive fascination by the way machines learn and become artificially intelligent. I’m striving for efficiency and excellence in everything I do, adapting to every situation, persisting and working to become better every day.
This website: it took a couple of months to make and fine tune every detail. The idea was to make my resume, portfolio and details look like a fun and detailed scientifc journal and hopefully grant me a research assistantship.